
Restore packages

Sometimes even when you use clean and restore packages with Nuget, it wont fix the problems in the projects. So this might work instead:

Update-Package EPiServer.Commerce.Core -Reinstall -ProjectName My.Project.Name



If problems occour while fetching from GIT and packages somehow wont restore to projects, even though the do restore to packages folder, this will force reinstall on all projects.

Update-Package -Reinstall


.nuGet\NuGet.Targets was not found

This can be due to problem in .csproj file which can be removed (seems so when i read about it). But my problem was du to the path to the project contained "%20" and therefor .net/visual studio seem to have problem finding anything. So no project could bould and complained about nuget. The nugets seem to be downloded but not found.

Simly change the url-path and remove special-characters.

Published: 2016-11-12